Livestock Lures
Dorper Livestock Lures
Payment is preferred via Direct Debit or Cheque. To pay via this method please follow the blue links to the order form. Alternatively you can pay via PayPal or credit card by clicking the yellow 'Buy Now' button. For the PayPal method, GST will be charged during processing.
For orders of more than 6, please use the 'Direct Debit' link and enter your chosen number for a bulk purchase.
Trial Pack (2)
Small Pack (4)
Large Pack (6)
Pack of 2: Dorper Livestock Lures
Price: $40.00
Plus GTS, P&H $19.00 Australia wide.
Please contact us if you require postage to Norfolk Island or overseas
Are you looking to trial a lure before you commit? This is the pack for you. Try it in your 'trouble spots' and see the results for yourself.
Pack of 4: Dorper Livestock Lures
Price: $80.00
Plus GST, P&H $19.00 Australia wide.
Please contact us if you require postage to Norfolk Island or overseas
Do you have issues loading your stock into or under the shed? Maybe you have some issues moving your stock in the yards? This small pack will start you on your way.
Pack of 6: Dorper Livestock Lures
Price: $120.00
Plus GST, P&H $19.00 Australia wide.
Please contact us if you require postage to Norfolk Island or overseas
This large pack is suitable for medium sized shed and yards.